Don't give your heart to a Poet

Don’t give your heart to a poet.

We’ll weave you in every verse we write
And probably in our breaths too.

We’ll “compare thee to a summer’s day”
And burn with every spark ignited from those desires.

We will carry your heart with us wherever we go,
And leave behind a part of ourselves with each step we take towards you.

We’ll metaphorize you with the stars, the moon, the sun, the universe
And ourselves be a fable for a shell of a body.

We will paint you the rainbow and entire colour spectrum
And live in a world of grey for ourselves.

We will become you more than you, yourself
And forget what it is like to be us, altogether.

We’ll love you more than love itself
And call ourselves your muse.

We will make you our home, our safe haven
And look for a corner to live in your life.

We’ll immortalize you with every drop of ink we bleed
And ourselves, run out of life with each letter written in that ink.

So, don’t give your heart to a poet.
Because in return we’ll give you ours.

Prabhleen Kalsi

Follow her @sushi_kalsi

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