Out of ideas what to say while wishing and celebrating liberty day? We have curated a collection of some beautiful Independence Day Quotes for you to use.

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Independence Day Quotes 1

“I am an American”

I am an American.

That’s the way most of us put it, just matter of factly.

They are plain words, those four.

You could write them on your thumbnail,

Or you could sweep them clear across this bright autumn sky.

But remember too that they are more than words.

They are a way of life.

So whenever you speak them, speak them firmly;

Speak them proudly; speak them gratefully.

I am an American.

Independence Day Quotes 2

I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives, and a man live so that his place will be proud of him.

4th of July pictures
Independence Day Quotes
4th of July pictures
Independence Day Quotes 3

The fact is with every friendship you make and every bond of trust you establish, you are shaping the image of America projected to the rest of the world.

~ Michelle Obama
Independence Day Quotes 4

I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.

~ Theodore Roosevelt

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