Adding beautiful quotes to wishes makes it better. Here are some Easter Day Quotes for you to use.

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Images and Wishes
Easter Day Quotes
Easter Day Quotes
Easter Day Quotes

God shows his love on the cross. When Christ fix and bled and died, It was God saying to the world, ‘I Love You’.

Easter Day Quotes

Don’t be afraid, I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here! For he has been resurrected just as he said!

He is Risen!

Images and Wishes
Easter Day Quotes

Jesus was resurrected from the dead and his resurrection demonstrates that we can indeed be promised an eternal home in heaven by receiving jesus as our savior.

Happy Sunday
Images and Wishes Sunday
Easter Day Quotes 2023

To a person I consider a lifelong friend, a source of laughter and joy, someone who is very dear to me.

Wishing you a terrific Easter Day!

Easter Day Quotes

Happy Easter! May this day bring you blessings of love, joy, peace and hope. May it linger in your heart forever.

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