Quotes and poetries are the best way to show your love. Use our Love Quotes collection to send to your special one.

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Love Quotes

I am going to hold you so tight tonight that you will be able to recall every time I touched you in this life.

Love Quotes 2

I loved you with such an untamed fire but never really touched you even once, but believe me, every time I looked straight into your eyes, inside my head I kissed you so hard that I forgot to breathe.

Love Quotes 3

No matter how many countries I travel, how many cities I settle for, how many oceans I fly over and how many universes I learn about, you will always be my home.

Poetry and Write ups
Love Quotes

Fuck glitters you wear on your sleeves to look invincible, show me your scars.


CA Nitin Kaushik (Imaginary_Lands)

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